2005 Gleaner R65 with 1737 separator and 2712 engine hrs. 8.3 Cummins, 18.4 x 42 duals, swivel auger, Mauer grain tank extension, long toothed chaffer, Agco monitor, Rodono chopper. Is in very good condition with many newer parts as follows. 1 yr. on new bubble up auger tube and flighting, clean grain chain and sprockets. 2 yrs. on return …

Marlette, Michigan 48453. Phone: (989) 635-3222. visit our website. View Details. Contact Us. Gleaner 13' Flex head for F, F2, or F3 combines Good running condition We ship anywhere We can finance Call or email us for a freight rate and financing options You can see everything we have ...See More Details.

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