CNC lathes can process straight threads, taper threads, and face threads, as shown in the figure. The processing method is divided into single-stroke thread cutting, simple thread cutting cycle and thread cutting compound cycle. (1) Single-Stroke Thread Cutting G32 Command format: G32 X(U)_ Z(W) F___ X(U) and Z(W) in the command are the …

1. Program a G76 threading cycle that will match your thread. 2. Chuck up your part, but set the machine up so the X offset is large enough it will only be cutting air–not the material. 3. Run the cycle very slowly and observe whether the tool is tracking the threads properly. Adjust the Z offset until it is. 4.

N7 G76 X43 Z-45 P1024 Q200 R-14.5 F2. Other parameter of Fanuc threading cycle G76 are explained here. The R parameter in second block of G76 is the tapered value. Note that R is given as Radius value. How to calculate R parameter for Tapered Threading on Fanuc with G76 Threading Cycle. R = (Start Diameter – End Diameter) / 2.

I got it from Fanuc, way back when I used to teach the 6T class for them in Chicago. The exact value is a little more, its .62 times the feed to the best of my recollection. After a lot of discussion with my Japanese Fanuc guys, we decided to use .6 times the feedrate for our constant to figure the depth of thread.

Like a cnc machinist comes with G-code like G76 Threading cycle on one Fanuc cnc control. But on another Fanuc control model you see G78 Threading cycle. Mostly the working is same as G76 threading cycle behaves same as G78 threading cycle. For a complete Fanuc G-code list with A,B,C group G-codes read Complete G Code List.

Note on the Fanuc control you would have to enter the D value with no decimal point (D485) So G76 Threading Cycle in it's simplest form. You could write: G76 X16.93 Z-25. K1.534 D.485 F2.5. Fanuc. G76 P010060 Q20 R.02 G76 X16.93 Z-25. P1534 Q485 F2.5. G76 Threading Cycle First Line P01 One spring pass 00 Chamfer 60 Thread …

G76 P011560 Q20 R.02. G76 X16.93 Z-25. P1534 Q485 F2.5. The pitch of the thread is 2.5 (F2.5) and the middle two digits of the P number are 15 it would be. 1.5 x 2.5 = 3.75. This means the tool would run off the part over a distance of 3.75mm. If enter 00 in the middle two digits P01 00 60 you get 45 degree angle.

Thread depth calculation = Pitch x 0.61363. = 2 x 0.61363. = 1.227 mm in micron is 1227. Minor diameter = 40-1.23 = 38.7 mm. N60- Rapid action command where X45 and Z5 . N70- Spindle off, coolant off, main program end . FANUC G76 THREADING CYCLE [T] G76 FANUC THREADING CYCLE CNC PROGRAM WITH DESCRIPTION …

All the parameters of Fanuc threading cycle G76 are fully explained here. The values with P are actually 03 pairs of values, the last pair is to control the thread infeed angle of each pass for threading, You can see the bold line above with value 60. G76 Threading Cycle with 60 Degrees Infeed Angle for 60 Degree Threads (Compound Infeed/ Flank ...

G86 Boring Cycle Operation. 1 – After positioning along the X– and Y–axes, rapid traverse is performed to point R. 2 – Drilling is performed from point R to point Z. 3 – When the spindle is stopped at the bottom of the hole, the tool is retracted in rapid traverse. Tool Return Position. Return plane is dependant on G98, G99 G-codes.

Hi all, I need to screwcut a 1/2 NPT thread, 18mm in length using a fanuc oi control (2 line G76) I've been searching here & elsewhere & have come up with a prog. Would be grateful if you could have a look & see what you think: (there is a relief at the front of the part, so I can start straight from Z0) ... (CNC.de) More than 21.000 machines ...

Fanuc Alarm 62 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G71–G76. Fanuc Alarm 62 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G71–G76. Fanuc Alarm Description. T series. 1. The depth of cut in G71 or G72 is zero or negative value. 2. The repetitive count in G73 is zero or negative value. 3. the negative value is specified to Δi or Δk is zero in G74 or G75.

Typically, Fanuc control models 10/11/15 use a single-block format, other control models (0/16/18/20/21..) use the double-block format. What cycles are affected? All multiple repetitive cycles from G71 to G76 can be programmed in one or the other format, depending on the control. The finishing cycle G70 always uses a single-block format.

Fanuc G76 Thread Cycle for Dummies explains Fanuc G76 threading cycle briefly. Fanuc G76 gives cnc machinist full control over thread turning. Fanuc G76 threading cycle has multiple parameters but the same way Fanuc G76 gives full flexibility in thread cutting. This article is actually to help cnc machinists to easily navigate through multiple ...

G76 Threading Cycle, Multiple Pass (Group 00) * indicates optional. The P values are modal. This means if you are in the middle of a canned cycle and a G04 Pnn or an M97 Pnn is used the P value will be used for the dwell / subprogram as well as the canned cycle. G76 Threading Cycle, Multiple Pass: [1] Z depth, [2] Minor diameter, [3] Major ...

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