EXPANDER 1000. The biggest floor grinder radio controlled Klindex 6 heads counterrotating, adjustable work pressure and variable speed. EXPANDER 1000 with the best quality/price relation is the most selling version. With the included remote control it is possible to adjust working functions such as: • Speed and directions of the machine.
Miernik połysku – niezawodny, mocny i precyzyjny. Oferujemy nowoczesne urządzenia szlifierskie i świadczymy fachowe usługi, takie jak krystalizacja marmuru, renowacja kamienia czy polerowanie betonu. Chętnie doradzimy które spośród naszych frezarek, cykliniarek czy szlifierek znajdą zastosowanie w Państwa działalności i dobierzemy ...
Expander 1000; Expander 999; Expander 950RX; Expander 950; Expander 850RX; Expander 850; ... SuperConcrete HS System; Anti-Slip Flooring; Timber Sanders. Bella Sander; ... independently of the operator and run automatically, drastically reducing your labour costs. With this amazing system, Klindex machines can grind on their own the …
Features. Double Cutting System (DCS) allow the machine to cut aggressively. Working width ranging from 450mm to 800mm with 3 large size 200mm-240mm tools. Speed of tools ranging from 600-1300rpm. Reduced noise during the work. Strong gearbox with thermo-hardened steel gears for a longer life. Auto levelling planetary system.
Features of the super concrete® SYstem: Increased abrasion and impact resistance. High stain and spill resistance. Up to 8 times more resistant to wear via foot-traffic. Eliminates the potential for marking and damage to the surface via heavy machinery such as forklifts. Completely flat and smooth surface finish. Hygienic with no VOC emissions.
Expander 1000 The ultimate in large surface floor finishing, polishing and grinding, the Expander 1000 is set apart by its 6 staggered counter-rotating heads for perfect surface levelling. With the 6 staggered heads the flatness of the surface and the perfect balance of the floor grinding machine is guaranteed.
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