EHEIM Quick Vac Pro Automatic Gravel Cleaner . The Eheim Quick Vac Pro is a powerful automatic gravel cleaner and sludge extractor. Unlike syphon operated gravel vacuums which require buckets and hoses, the Eheim Quick Vac Pro is a hassle-free solution. It features a super-fine mesh cartridge designed to trap even the smallest …

The EHEIM Quick Vac pro is a battery powered gravel cleaner which enables you to clean the gravel substrate in your aquarium with ease, independently of your regular of water changes. The suction power of the cleaner is designed to remove dirt particles without too much disturbance to the gravel. A mesh filter compartment collects the dirt whilst letting …

10 Melhores eheim 3531000 barro absauger Em Portugal . As nossas avaliações são geradas de forma inteligente a partir da análise algorítmica de milhares de análises de clientes sobre produtos, marcas, níveis de serviço ao cliente, tendências de popularidade, e muito mais. As avaliações espelham a nossa opinião e devem ser um …

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for EHEIM Quick Vacpro Aspirateur de Fond pour Aquarium (3531000) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! ... (3531000) About this product. About this product. Identifiants du produit. Marque. EHEIM. Ean. 4011708350140. eBay Product ID (ePID) 1712578857.

EHEIM Quick Vacpro. EAN: 4011708350140. Artikel-Nr.: 3531000. EHEIM Schlammabsauger. Mit diesem batteriebetriebenen Schlammsauger reinigen Sie den Bodengrund Ihres Aquariums bequem und unabhängig von Wasserwechsel-Intervallen. Die Leistung des Geräts ist so abgestimmt, dass Schmutz aufgenommen wird, ohne den …

The Eheim Quick Vac Pro is a highly capable and portable gravel cleaner suitable for a wide variety of aquariums. It's battery powered and is suitable for either fresh or marine water and features no power cables, allowing it to be safe to use anywhere. It's easy to clean and fully submersible, featuring a watertight on/off switch for added ...

The EHEIM company group, with headquarters in Deizisau near Stuttgart, is a medium-sized family company with subsidiaries in aquatics and industrial interior design. Central to this is the aquatic group with sites in Europe and Asia. It is one of the leading, quality providers in the pet supplies market and is world-renowned for its quality ...

"""EHEIM Quick Vacpro"" -For intermediate cleaning of gravel substrate between water changes -Bottom gravel hardly disturbed -Water flows back into the aquarium -Batteries included" - Buy Eheim Quick Vac Pro 3531000 ... Eheim Quick Vac Pro 3531000. Product Image Section. sold out. Share: Favorite (5) Product Information Section. Eheim Quick …

EHEIM Quick Vacpro - Automatic Sand Washer A battery-powered sand washer allows you to easily clean the gravel substrate in your aquarium without the need for regular water changes. ... Decrease quantity for EHEIM Electric Sand Washer Quick Vacpro #3531000 Increase quantity for EHEIM Electric Sand Washer Quick Vacpro #3531000. Subtotal: …

Be the first to review this product. USD69.99. Availability: Out of stock. The Eheim Quick Vac Pro is an automatic gravel cleaner and sludge extractor. Unlike syphon operated gravel vacuums which require buckets and hoses, the Eheim Quick Vac Pro is a hassle-free solution to conveniently maintaining the aquarium bottom. Email to a Friend.

Cod produs: Eheim Quick Vac pro - 3531000. Disponibilitate: Stoc epuizat. Adauga in WISHLIST. 241,90 Lei. Descriere Opinii (0) Aspirator electric pentru curatarea substratulului acvariului alimentat cu baterii (4 x AA 1.5V incluse). Poate fi folosit atat la apa dulce, si sarata. Caracteristici:Usor de utilizat - nu este nevoie de galeti sau ...

EHEIM incpiria 530. EAN: 4010251141946. Item number: 0695111. With the EHEIM Incpiria you have a real gem - in both form and function. If you enjoy classical modern furniture, then the incpiria's clean lines - with a deliberate absence of decorative accessories and a choice of high gloss (alpine and graphite) or modern wooden cabinets ...

It was a little pricey at $50, but I figured the hassle it would save me would be worth it. A few days later, it arrived. The Eheim gravel vacuum is a pretty simple tool - to assemble it out of the box, you stick in the impeller and the two pieces of suction housing over it. Then throw in the 4 AA batteries, and you are ready to clean (the ...

Eheim Quick Vac pro. Slamklokke (3531000) 478,00 DKK. Eheim Quick Vac pro Batteridreven slamsuger. Model/Varenr.: 133.0021. Lagerstatus: På lager. stk. Køb. Beskrivelse; Eheim Quick Vac pro Batteridreven slamsuger. Relaterede produkter. Udsolgt. JBL AQUAEX SET 10-35 slamsuger NANO 3.5x12CM 1.5M slange (61425)

Home / Uncategorized / Eheim Sludge Extractor – 3531000. Eheim Sludge Extractor – 3531000-70 % Off $ 62.99 $ 18.90. Eheim Sludge Extractor – 3531000. Title: Default Title. Clear: Eheim Sludge Extractor - 3531000 quantity. Add to cart. SKU: FL1E4FKV3V Category: Uncategorized Tags: 50-100, eheim, sf_sku: 1011465. Share;

Eheim 3531000 Quick Vac Pro Sludge Extractor / Battery-Operated . Brand: Eheim. 4.1 out of 5 stars 1,420. Brand: Eheim: Filter type: Cartridge: Included components: Battery. Is cordless? Yes: Form factor: Handheld: Power source Battery Powered: Voltage 24 Volts: Item weight 0.68 Kilograms: Wattage 600 watts:

V oblasti optimálnych filtračných systémov, technického zariadenia a širokého výberu príslušenstva je v čele inovačného vývoja a stále udáva jeho smer. Technológia firmy Eheim umožňuje vytvárať dokonalé prírodné prostredie a preto je tiež používaná k premene záhradných jazierok vo vysoko funkčné a spoľahlivé ...

Item number: 3531000 . ... EHEIM SERVICE HOTLINE . Worldwide support . MANUFACTURER WARRANTY . up to 36 months . ORIGINAL EHEIM QUALITY . Made in Germany . about eheim. The EHEIM company group, with headquarters in Deizisau near Stuttgart, is a medium-sized family company with subsidiaries in aquatics and industrial …

EHEIM Quick Vac pro elektriline põhjasifoon 3531 (3531000) Patareitoitel põhjapuhastussifoon. Kergesti käsitletav ja reguleeritava pikkusega. Saab kasutada kõikjal, patareid komplektis. ... Komplektis: akvaarium, kapp, 1x16,5W LED valgustusega kaas, Eheim Ecco pro 300 välisfilter koos bioloogiliste filtrimaterjalidega, Jäger soojendi 150W ...

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