Tuotanto Boliden Harjavalta 2023. Boliden Harjavallalla on pitkät perinteet Suomen teollisessa historiassa. Kuparisulatto aloitti toimintansa vuonna 1936 Imatralla. Liiketoiminta siirrettiin sodan jaloista henkilöstöineen Harjavaltaan vuonna 1944 toisen maailmansodan aikana. Ensimmäinen kuparivalu tehtiin Harjavallassa vuonna 1945.

Since June 2016, the Kevitsa mine has been part of the Boliden Group, Europe`s leading supplier of metals. Boliden Kevitsa has been one of the major industrial employers in Sodankylä throughout history. The mine created a lot of jobs in the area. When production started, the mine employed about 100 people. Nowadays, Kevitsa employs about 560 ...

Reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Boliden is leader within the production of metals with low-carbon footprint. Nevertheless, we face several climate-related challenges as many others in our industry. Our business areas Mines and Smelters add to carbon dioxide emissions in various ways. Carbon dioxide emissions from Mines are generated mainly ...

Välkommen till årsstämma i Boliden AB (publ) 19 mars 2024. Aktieägarna i Boliden AB (publ) (org. nr 556051-4142) kallas till årsstämma tisdagen den 23 april 2024 kl. 12.30. Årsstämman kommer att äga rum i Folkets hus, Boliden. Stämmolokalen öppnas för registrering och utställning kl. 10.00. Lunch serveras från kl. 11.30.

Begin your journey with us. Our success is based on our employees' ability to solve complex problems and their eagerness to work toward constant improvements. At Boliden, we drive innovation at the forefront of the industry. Your engagement, curiosity and new perspective opens possibilities for you to be a part of that change and grow with us.

The new cooperation agreement between Boliden and Trucks means that two heavy, electric trucks will be used in the Boliden Kankberg mine, outside Skellefteå in northern Sweden. If all trucks in the mine were to be electrified, the CO2 emissions from the mine could be reduced by more than 25 percent. "This is an exciting ...

Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is appointed by Boliden's owners to bear ultimate responsibility for the company's organisation and the management of the company's affairs in the best interests of both Boliden and the shareholders. This shall be done in a sustainable way that entails carefully balanced risk-taking, in order ...

The Boliden ore's composition was complex and contained large quantities of arsenic, among other things. In those days, at the end of the 1920's there were only two smelters in the world capable of processing this type of ore – one in Germany and one in the USA. Furthermore, they could only cope with small quantities at a time.

Europe's largest zinc mine. Tara in Ireland is Europe's largest zinc mine and also one of the largest in a global comparison. Since mining began in 1977, more than 85 million tonnes of ore have been extracted. Boliden acquired the mine in 2004. Thanks to exploration and acquisitions, the mineral reserve and mineral resources have grown ...

Bygg framtiden för metaller med oss och skapa påverkan i gruvindustrin och vidare. På Boliden kommer du spendera varje dag med att utforska hur vi kan förbättra samhället för kommande generationer. Hur vi kan använda teknik och innovation för att genomföra skiftet som skapar förutsättningar för en mer hållbar verksamhet.

Metals for modern life. For a century, Boliden has been exploring, extracting and processing base metals and precious metals. Our production is based on experience, innovation and modern technology, developed in collaboration with Nordic technology and engineering companies. Today, we are an industry leader in terms of sustainable metal ...

Boliden has ambitious plans for Odda, aiming to increase its production capacity from 200,000 tons to 350,000 tons in the second half of the upcoming year. The spokesperson, Nilsson, clarified that production in the new facilities at Odda is scheduled to commence during the second half of 2024, with a planned ramp-up period that will be ...

Presentation of Boliden's Q2 2024 report. Boliden will announce its Interim Report for the second quarter 2024 on Friday 19 July at 07:45 (CEST). A press and analyst conference will be held on the same day at 09:30, which can be followed via webcast and telephone. The report will be presented by Boliden's President and CEO Mikael Staffas ...

About Boliden. Boliden is a metal producer with a focus on sustainable development. The company's core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting, and metals recycling. Boliden operates six mining units and five smelters in Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Ireland. Its shares are listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, segment Large ...

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