It is an autonomous diagnostic and information system for grinding machines, which is accessible via a web interface. SmarTOS exists in two versions, BASIC and CLASIC. This system was developed by TOS Hostivař and thanks to this system, all manufactured CNC round grinders are digitized and thus belong to industry 4.0. More about SmarTOS.

Společnými silami pak dosáhli toho, že jsou naše brusky pod značkou TOS Hostivař opět prodávány a vyváženy do celého světa. V roce 2011 se podařilo získat světoznámou značku TOS Hostivař do vlastnictví HOL-MONTA spol. s.r.o., a tím i fakticky zajistit pokračování bohaté tradice této značky, sahající až do roku 1950.

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat. Tel: +420 296 330 311 | Email: [email protected] | Adresa: Rádiová 1431/2a, 102 00 Praha 10 – Hostivař.

It is an autonomous diagnostic and information system for grinding machines, which is accessible via a web interface. SmarTOS exists in two versions, BASIC and CLASIC. This system was developed by TOS Hostivař and thanks to this system, all manufactured CNC round grinders are digitized and thus belong to industry 4.0. More about SmarTOS.

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